Apostille service overview:
  1. We need the original certificate of no impediment 
  2. You can bring it to our office in person or send it by mail
  • 3-4 days and starts from £87 per document
  • 24-hour service from £97 per document

Prices are per document and include the apostille certificate, all fees, and VAT.

If you wish to get married abroad, you will need a no impediment certificate apostilled.

To get your Certificate of No Impediment (CNI), you need to visit your local register office or the GRO (the one that handles births, marriages, and deaths). We’re unable to assist with applying for CNIs.

How the process works: 

Step one:

Only the original CNI can be used to get an apostille. Photocopies are not accepted.

Step two:

Contact our office.

  • In which country will your CNI be used?
  • Does the CNI need translation?
  • How soon do you need the apostille?

When we have all the information, the team will assess your enquiry and give you a personalised and detailed quotation.

If you accept the quotation, we will send an invoice to be paid, and the process of getting an apostille for the death certificate starts.

Step three:

As soon as the CNI has been apostilled, we will send you a scanned copy via email to inform you that the process has been completed successfully and your certificate is on its way or ready to be collected.

If you are not collecting your apostilled certificate from our London office – we will provide you with the tracking number the courier gave.

How much does it cost?

For personal documents, prices are as follows:

  • 3-4 day apostille service starts from £87.
  • 1 day (next business day) service costs £97

The price includes our fees, FCDO fees, and VAT.

There could be additional costs, depending on another service you choose and how many documents you wish to apostille. Additional cost examples are:

  • Translations start from £35
  • Notarisation by notary public (+ £96)
  • Return delivery costs (+ £12)
  • Embassy legalisation (from + £60)

How long does it take to get an apostille?

There are three options for getting an apostille.

Option one: 1 day (next business day)

  • Documents must arrive before 10:00 am for the next-day service.
  • Documents can be collected around 3:30 pm the next day.
  • Documents are submitted and collected in person

Option two: 3 to 4 days:

  • If documents arrive by 10:30 am, it will take 3 days
  • If documents arrive after 10:30 am, then it will take 4 days
  • Documents are submitted and collected in person

Option three: e-Apostille 1 to 2 days 

If the document qualifies for an e-apostille, it is usually completed within 24 hours but can take two working days, depending on the FCDO’s workload.

Where can I apply for a certificate of no impediment?

You can apply for a certificate of no impediment at the local registry office. The Register Office will require a notice appointment, and if there are no objections to your intentions to marry outside of the UK, then the certificate will be provided.

How long does it take to receive a certificate of no impediment?

It takes 28 days to receive your certificate of no impediment. [2]

After you visit the UK local registration office (or civil registry), your intended nuptials will be announced publicly for 3-4 weeks, and if there are no objections, you will be issued your certificate.

Sometimes, the British consulate in the country where you are planning on getting married may exchange your no impediment certificate for a local certificate from that country.

In case I do not have a certificate of no impediment, what other options are available?

If you do not have a certificate of no impediment, you can use a statutory declaration. This document provides evidence of your marital status and states that you are free to marry.

It will require an apostille service to be used abroad.

What information does a certificate of no impediment contain?

The certificate of no impediment contains specific information that provides evidence that you can marry abroad and have fulfilled all of the legal requirements. The following information can be found in the document:

  • Your name
  • Your age
  • Any marriage prerequisites, such as your single status, whether you were previously married and whether your marriage was dissolved.
  • Your occupation
  • Your residence location
  • Your residence at the place for an indefinite period
  • The venue where the wedding is taking place. This information should include at least the town name, plus any unusual spellings of the location.
  • Your residence, district, and nationality

Once you receive your certificate of no impediment, you can present it to the overseas authorities registry office. [3]

This document will need an apostille certificate to prove its authenticity.

Please note that: Each country is usually different when it comes to getting married abroad. Please get in touch with the local authorities to confirm the requirements and the different rules for weddings in their country.

What other documents are needed for a civil partnership or marriage abroad?

Other than the certificate of no impediment, there are other UK documents you may be required to present to the register office to marry abroad, such as:

  • A decree absolute if you changed your name.
  • Documents such as a council tax bill dated, a birth certificate, a utility bill, a UK driving license, etc., can be used to show contemporary evidence of your full name.
  • Your father or mother’s birth certificate can also be used to provide further information about your nationality.

What if you are getting married in a Commonwealth country?

If you are getting married in a commonwealth country and are from England, you will not require a certificate of no impediment. This is because this document is not required between two commonwealth countries.

How long is a certificate of no impediment valid?

The impediment certificate does not have an expiry date. Still, each country has its own rules regarding its validity, and it goes without saying that once you get married, the document loses its purpose.

You should, however, investigate the rules months prior to your wedding.

What if I am a resident of a foreign country?

When you’re a British citizen living in a foreign country, be sure to consult with the closest British embassy in that country on how to attain your certificate of no impediment and get married.

What if the certificate of no impediment is in a different language?

If your apostille certificate of no impediment is in a language other than that of the country you wish to marry, then you will require translation services.

A certified translation of your impediment certificate will be attached to the apostille certificate to make the document valid and usable by the registration service of the country you wish to marry.

Most apostille agencies provide translation services. Enquire beforehand so you can obtain all of these certificate services at the same time.

Will my overseas marriage be recognised in the UK?

Yes. But, you must show proof that you got married. This can be through an apostille certificate of marriage or a civil partnership certificate.

The marriage can be overturned if there’s enough evidence to show that the marriage is not legal.

This article has been written by experts and fact-checked by experts. We only link to high-quality sources like government information & data, original reporting and interviews with industry experts. Reputable publishers are also sourced and cited where appropriate to support the facts within our articles.

[1] Getting married abroad

[2] Marriage outside the UK

[3] Find a register office